Abigail channels our experience and expertise across industries to develop a unique "turnkey" service, in which we produce an end-to-end solution for your company. We work with you to first identify a manufacturing operation for which we recommend an A-Z process in manufacturing design.

machine fabrication, test identification, and monitoring follow-up. We begin with a set of consultations with your company, in which you show and describe to us the manufacturing process for which you require an end-to-end solution. Our team works to develop a design of this solution.

which includes attention to spatial layouts, processes of integration, fabrication of primary and ancillary machines, instrumentation for analysis, extents of automation, and maintenance of machines and processes to sustain the solution.


Our ability to develop turnkey, A-Z services is premised in our diverse and extended experience across industries. We are committed to working with your parameters that include land and layout specifications, costs, and the availability of local and context-specific resources, among others.


The building of machines in our turnkey service involves the consideration of the larger design of your manufacturing process. We identify and deliver not only process-specific machines, but solutions for storage, transport, and dosage, for example, that are crucial to enabling that the manufacturing process to take place end-to-end.


Our turnkey services feature a comprehensive model for the testing, monitoring, and analysis of the systems that we work with you to design. Upon the installation of these collaborative machines and models, we identify and develop the instruments and measurements required for accurate monitoring and assurance testing, to enable your processes to work efficiently. This comprises several months of onsite commissioning and testing as your processes begin to run.


Certified by the International Standards Organization, Abigail has undertaken projects in the Middle East, Africa, North America, Europe, and Southeast Asia. We are especially familiar with regional requirements and resources. We cater our design recommendations and machine fabrication to regional specifications.


Mixing Machinery, Industrial Stirrer, Kneading Machinery, Paint Making & Agitators, Aliperser (Stucco Mixer), Attritor, Disperser, High Speed Stirer, Double Cone Blender, Sigma Kneader, Pug Mixer, Sand Mill , Ribbon Blender, Ball Mill, Liquid Filling Machine, Triple Roll Mill, Filling Machine, Dia Mill, Dissolvers, Butterfly Mixer, Fabrication, Filling Machines, Paint Making Machinery.